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Refundable Flights



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Refundable Flights

Find flights from over 650 airlines and buy refundable tickets, free cancellations flights, unrestricted fares and full fares with Alternative Airlines. Use our refundable flights filter on and get the flexibility you need with just a push of a button...

What are refundable airline tickets?

airline alliance icon

Refundable airline tickets are flight tickets that can be returned for a refund to your credit or debit card, or whichever payment method you choose to pay for your flights with. Some tickets are fully refundable and will only cost an Alternative Airlines administration fee. Other tickets require an airline service fee in order to process a refund. If you buy Alternative Airline's Premium Service Package, you can make cancellations and amendments to refundable plane tickets on all domestic and international flights without any charges by Alternative Airlines. Please note that not all flights available on Alternative Airlines are refundable.

Please check our terms and conditions if you are unsure whether the flight you want to purchase is refundable.


What are non-refundable airline tickets?

airline alliance icon

Non-refundable flight tickets cannot be returned for a refund. However, if you cannot use your ticket, you may be able to apply its value toward a future flight. The airline may charge additional fees for changes made to a non-refundable plane ticket.


How to Buy Refundable Flights with Alternative Airlines



Using the search bar at the top of the page, fill out the relevant areas and complete a flight search.

Alternative Airlines Flight Search — Paris to Mexico City


Once all your options are shown, you can narrow your search using our filters. Scroll down until you have found the refundable/non-refundable filter. 

If you've completed your search from the refundable flights page, you'll see a message at the top reminding you to select the 'refundable' filter. 

If you've completed your search from any other page, the message will not display. But you can still use the refundable flights filter. 

Alternative Airlines Flight Search Results — Paris to Mexico City


Once you've scrolled down to the refundable/non-refundable filter. Click on the arrow of the section highlighted to display the refundable/non-refundable filters.

Alternative Airlines' Filters


Under the refundable/non-refundable filters, you can select the 'refundable' filter to display only refundable flights and select the 'non-refundable' filter to display only non-refundable flights. 

Once you've selected the 'refundable' filter, you can be confident that all flights displayed are refundable flights. All that's left to do is buy your flights quickly, securely and directly with Alternative Airlines.

Alternative Airlines Refundable Flights Filter Selected

Alternative Airlines'
Premium Service Package

Alternative Airlines' Premium Service Package

Want to make changes or cancellations to your flight reservation without charges from Alternative Airlines. Purchase the Alternative Airlines Premium Service Package and we'll waive the fee that we ordinarily charge for cancellations and changes.

Please note: even with the Premium Service Package, you might still be subject to any charges from the airline you're flying on.


Free Cancellation Flights

What is a Free Cancellation Flight?

A free cancellation flight is a flight that can be cancelled for free, up until the time of departure, without any charges from the airline. Usually, an airline will charge you a fee if you want to cancel your flight. However, if you've purchased a free cancellation flight, you will face no charges from the airline.

Some airlines allow you to cancel your flight within 24 hours of booking and get a refund with no charge. But in most cases, if you want to cancel your flight with no charges from the airline, you have to purchase a free cancellation flight. Read more about cancelling flights on our how to cancel a flight page


Difference between a free cancellation flight &
a refundable flight

A free cancellation flight allows you to cancel your flight for free, with no charges from the airline, but it doesn't necessarily entitle you to a refund.

A refundable flight entitles you to a refund on what you paid for your airline ticket, but you might be subject to a charge from the airline in order to process that refund. 

If you purchase a refundable flight with free cancellation, you can cancel your flight for free up until the time of departure, with no charges from the airline and you'll receive a full refund.


How to tell if a flight is a free cancellation flight

To find a free cancellation flight, use the search bar at the top of the page to search for flights. On the next page, where the flight results are shown, click on the 'Details' icon on the flight you're interested in buying. Then, click 'Fare rules'.

If your flight is a free cancellation flight, it will be stated here, as below:

Free cancellation flights pop-up

Flexible Flights

Want to secure your airline ticket now, but not sure exactly what dates you'll be able to fly on? Flexible flights are flights that allow you to change the date of your flights, without any charges by the airline!

Read more on our flexible flights page.

Refundable Airline Ticket

What is a refundable airline ticket?

A refundable airline ticket is a flight ticket that can be returned for a refund, with no questions asked. If a passenger — for whatever reason —  can't or doesn't want to fly on a flight that they've already paid for, refundable airline tickets allow that passenger to get part or all of their money back from the airline.

Are plane tickets refundable?

Yes, some plane tickets are refundable. Depending on the type of plane ticket you buy, the airline can refund you part or all of the money paid. You can easily search for refundable plane tickets with Alternative Airlines by using our flight search form at the top of the page and selecting the 'Refundable' filter.

Can I get a refund on my plane ticket?

Yes, if you've purchased a refundable flight, you can get a refund on your plane ticket. Depending on the rules of the plane ticket you've given by the airline, you'll be able to get a full or partial refund. Some airlines will offer a refund on non-refundable tickets, in case of a family emergency or if your visa is rejected after you've bought your plane ticket

How much of a refund can I get on flight ticket cancellation?

The amount of refund you can get on your flight ticket cancellation will depend on the airline you're flying on and the type of ticket you have bought. If you've used the refundable flight filter and selected a refundable flight, then you'll be entitled to a full refund on your flight ticket, as long as it states that cancellations on the ticket are free. If it states that cancellations on the ticket are not free, then you'll have to pay the specified amount in order to process the refund. 

How do refundable flights work?

Refundable flight tickets are flights that can be returned for a partial or full refund to your credit or debit card if you have to cancel your flight. If flights are refundable, we can process a refund to you after you pay the Alternative Airlines administration fee. If you purchase Alternative Airline's Premium Service Package, we can process a refund to you without you having to pay the Alternative Airlines administration fee. Please be aware that some refundable flights require an airline service fee that is independent of Alternative Airlines policy. 

How to refund flights?

If you've purchased a refundable airline ticket, need to cancel your flight and you're entitled to a refund, please contact us at or call our telephone number. We're open every day from 8:00am—8:00am. If you are enquiring for a refund due to a family emergency or in the event of a death of a close relative, you can find all information with funeral and grievance flight assistance.

How to find refundable flights?

You can find refundable flight tickets right here on Alternative Airlines. See our step-by-step guide on how to book refundable flights.

How to buy refundable flights?

You can search for refundable flights and buy a refundable plane ticket with Alternative Airlines. On the flight search results, Alternative Airlines has a 'Refundable' filter designed specifically help you find all refundable flights — whether they're partially refundable, fully refundable, full fares or completely unrestricted fares. Follow our step-by-step guide on how to book refundable flights.

How to buy a fully refundable airline ticket?

You can buy a fully refundable airline ticket with Alternative Airlines by using the 'refundable' filter in the search results. From there, click on the 'details' icon on the flight you wish to book and then click on 'Fare rules' and read the relevant information. If your airline ticket is fully refundable, the following message will display and you'll be able to refund the total amount of your flight without any cancellation fees from the airline:

Free changes to flights pop-up

If it states that your flight does have cancellation fees from the airline, then you will have to pay the stated amount in order to get a full refund for your airline ticket. Please note that if you buy the Alternative Airlines Premium Service Package for $26, we will waive the $96 administration fee that we usually charge for flight cancellations or changes.

Are flight tickets refundable?

Yes. Flight tickets can be refundable. You can buy refundable flight tickets with Alternative Airlines by searching for your chosen route and selecting the 'refundable' filter in the search results. Some flights will be fully refundable, while others will require you to pay a cancellation fee in order to get your refund.

Are any airline tickets refundable?

No. Not every airline ticket is refundable. Most airline tickets are non-refundable. You can easily search for refundable flights with Alternative Airlines by using the search form at the top of the page and selecting the 'Refundable' filter on the left-hand side of the search results. This will make sure that all flights displayed are either fully or partially refundable. 

What airlines offer refundable tickets?

Most airlines available through Alternative Airlines offer flights with free cancellation that can be returned for a refund. Use the 'Refundable' filter in the flight search results to see all partially refundable flights, fully refundable flights and unrestricted fares.

Are Southwest flights refundable?

Most Southwest Airlines plane tickets are non-refundable. However, with some fares, you're able to transfer the amount of your flight reservation as credit and put it towards a future booking with Southwest Airlines.

Can I buy free cancellation flights?

Yes. 'Free cancellation flights', or 'flights with free cancellations' are just other names for refundable flights and are available to book through Alternative Airlines. To buy free cancellation flights, follow our step-by-step guide on 'how to buy refundable flights with Alternative Airlines'. We offer free cancellation flights on hundreds of different airlines.

How to book free cancellation flights?

To book free cancellation flights, follow our step-by-step guide on how to buy refundable flights. When you reach Step 4, make sure to click on the small blue 'Details' icon located on the right-hand side of the fare. When the pop-up opens, click 'fare rules'. If the flight is a free-cancellation flight then it will state that 'cancellation before departure is free'.

Free changes to flights pop-up

Which airlines offer free cancellation?

Most airlines allow free cancellation if you buy the right type of fare. You can easily see which airlines offer free cancellation by completing a search at the top of the page, making sure the 'refundable' filter is selected on the search results page and clicking the 'details' icon on the flight that you're interested in.

Click 'Fare rules'. If it states that 'cancellation is free', then the airline ticket is free on this airline for this fare.


Are flights refundable within 24 hours?

If you've bought a non-refundable ticket, there are a small number of airlines that will give you a full refund if you cancel within 24 hours, these are usually low-cost US carriers. However, most non-refundable airline tickets are not refundable within 24 hours. If you want to cancel your flight on the same day that you bought it, we ask that you contact us before 8pm (BST) so that we can try our best to get you a refund from the airline. 

Can I buy unrestricted fares?

Yes. You can buy unrestricted fares with Alternative Airlines. Unrestricted fares are the fare-type name for refundable flights. To purchase an unrestricted fare, simply follow our step-by-step guide on how to buy refundable flights. 

Can you get a refund on plane tickets?

Yes. You can get a refund on plane tickets with Alternative Airlines. Use our 'Refundable' flight filter in the flight search results to see all refundable domestic flights and refundable international flights for your chosen route.

Are airline tickets refundable?

Yes, some airline tickets are refundable. However, it will depend on which airline you're flying with and the type of fare you buy. To buy fully refundable flight tickets, search for flights using the search form at the top of the page. Once the flight results have loaded, select the 'refundable' flight filter. This will display flights that are either fully refundable free of charge or require you to pay a small fee to the airline in order to get a refund on your flight reservation.

Please note that if you buy Alternative Airlines Premium Service Package for $26 USD we will waive the $96 USD administration fee usually charged by Alternative Airlines when passengers request a flight cancellation.

Which airline tickets are refundable?

All airline tickets that are displayed when the 'refundable' filter is selected in the Alternative Airlines flight search results are refundable. Some may be fully refundable with no charge from the airline, whereas others may require a small charge by the airline in order to process your refund. Alternative Airlines also charge $96 USD for any changes or cancellations, however, if you purchase the Premium Service Package on the passenger details page for $26 USD, we will waive the $96 USD fee.

How do I know if my flight is refundable?

As long as you make sure that the 'refundable' filter on the flight search results page is selected and the 'non-refundable- filter is deselected, you'll know that all flights displayed are refundable. Some flights may be fully refundable, while others may require a charge by the airline in order to give you a refund. Flights that are refundable are usually a bit more expensive than non-refundable flights.

Can I change my flight without paying a fee?

Yes. You can change your flight without paying a fee as long as you make sure that the ticket details on the flight state that changes to the ticket are free. You can do this easily by completing a flight search at the top of the page, clicking the 'Details' icon on the flight you are interested in and then clicking 'Ticket Details'. For full information on how to do this, see our section on flexible flights.

How long will it take to refund my flight?

It all depends on the payment method that you use to buy your refundable flight with and the airlines' terms. If you choose to book refundable flights with a credit or debit, you can usually expect the refund to be in your account withiin 14 working days. However, if you book refundable flights with PayPal, refunds can be processed much quicker and sometimes the money can be refunded back into your PayPal account in as little as one working day.

If we accept a refund request, we'll always tell you how long it will take for the money to reach your account. If you have any questions regarding your refund — just ask!

I paid with PayPal, how long wiil it take for me to receive my refund?

PayPal is a great payment method to buy refundable airline tickets with because PayPal transactions are instantaneous, in some cases, we can refund the money back into your account within the same working day. However, it will depend on which airline you've booked with and how quickly they get the money back to us. We'll always let you know how long the refund will take to get back into your account once we've accepted the refund.

Can I reschedule a non-refundable flight?

Yes, you can reschedule a non-refundable flight. But you need to make sure that you purchase a flexible flight and that changes to the airline ticket are permitted. Some airlines may charge a fee to reschedule the flight, but you can easily find airline tickets that allow changes for free.

Can you refund flight tickets in the UK?

Yes, you can refund flight tickets in the UK. In fact, you can refund flight tickets from anywhere in the world. It doesn't matter where you're buying your refundable flight from, as long as you've used the refundable filter and the airline ticket fare rules state that cancellations on the flights are permitted, then your flight ticket is refundable no matter where you purchase it from.

Can I refund my AirAsia flight ticket?

You can refund some AirAsia tickets, but as AirAsia is a low-cost carrier, most tickets are non-refundable and you will be charged for cancelling or changing your flight ticket.

Are easyJet flights refundable?

No, all easyJet flights are non-refundable unless cancelled within 24-hours. This means that if you cancel your easyJet flight within 24-hours, you'll receive a refund, but if you cancel past 24-hours of booking, you won't receive a refund. In addition to this, easyJet charges a cancellation fee anytime you cancel a flight. This will be deducted off the total amount of your refund. 

If you're looking for refundable flights from a European carrier that is similar to easyJet, we suggest looking at flights on Norwegian or Iberia. Alternatively, you can use the search bar at the top of the page for a search for any European route and we'll display every carrier that flies that route. Then, use the 'refundable' filter to see any refundable flights on those airlines.

Can you refund flights with Ryanair?

All Ryanair flights are non-refundable. Therefore, you cannot refund flights with Ryanair.

If you're looking for refundable flights from an airline that flies similar routes to Ryanair, we suggest looking at Aer Lingus. Aer Lingus have a number of refundable flights available, depending on the route and fare that you purchase.

Refundable Flights

Delta Airlines logo

Buy refundable flights on Delta Airlines with Alternative Airlines. Delta Airlines has a 24-hour free cancellation policy on all flights, including refundable and non-refundable tickets. 

If you'd like a Delta Airlines flight ticket that is available to cancel and refund after 24-hours, you must buy a refundable airline ticket. Follow the steps above on how to find refundable flights with Delta Airlines, making sure you choose a route that Delta Airlines fly when completing a search.

Refundable Flights

Delta Airlines logo

Southwest Airlines refundable flights are available to purchase at Alternative Airlines. Use our search form at the top of the page and search for any route that Southwest fly and then use our 'refundable' filter to filter out all non-refundable flights and show only flights that are refundable on Southwest Airlines. 

If you buy a non-refundable flight, Southwest usually offer a full refund if you cancel within 24 hours. However, any cancellations past the 24-hour window will are not eligible for a refund on non-refundable Southwest airline tickets.

Please be aware that Southwest refundable flights are only available on some routes. Therefore, if you're having trouble finding a Southwest refundable flight, it might be that a non-refundable ticket is the only option for that route. 

Refundable Flights

United logo

Buy refundable flights on United Airlines at Alternative Airlines. Alternative Airlines offer a wide-range of refundable flight options, which allow you to cancel for free or by paying a small fee. 

To search for United refundable flights, simply use our search bar at the top of the page and search for a route that United Airlines flies. On the search results page, click on the 'refundable' filter to filter out all United non-refundable flights and display only United refundable flights.


Which flights are refundable?

Did you know that most airlines have very strict fare rules when it comes to changing or cancelling a flight?

But don't worry! Here at Alternative Airlines, we want to make it as easy as possible, so you can pick the right flight for you.

Use the filters on our site to see which fares are refundable and/or changeable.

Click on the 'Details' icon to see the fare rules (when selecting a flight).

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